Date: August 14 Thurs
Weather: 85F, sunny
Mileage: 11
August mileage: 136
Year to date: 1563
While the morning offered nothing special save a smooth cruise to work, the afternoon was filled with a few incidents of minor note. Actually this morning I was casually rolling down St. Catherine. At the green light at Shelby the road veers northward, but I take the straight cut. This usually takes me getting in the left lane somewhere long the straight, downhill stretch. This morning I look back for cars (my helmet mirror needs new adhesive. Any ideas?) and to my surprise, directly behind me was the tell-tale flashing LED of a cyclist. B/c I had the ipod on I never heard him, but it was a youngish dude on a mtbike toting a messenger bag. I veered left b/c that was the plan and he, pushing a big gear, went on his merry way, "like 2 ships passing in the night."
This afternoon I was on Shelby listening to the Roots when I heard a weird chirp, which I assumed was a sound effect. About 10sec later I heard it again but and thought nothing more until a woman leaned out her car window and said something and motioned to my rear. I looked back and, surprise, it was 'Sheryl' trying to catch me. I waited up, and certainly solved the puzzle of the 'sound effect'. We ended up talking bike pumps on Highland Ave. b/c her tire were really low and she couldn't find her schraeder adapter. In my infinite wisdom and bicycle experience I extolled the virtue of my original Zefal floor pump and my nice modern Topeak (?) with adapter.
At Highlands and B'town, the bike gave me a wonky squishy blast of flat-tireness. Right at the moment of my amazing declaration of "proper inflation" yada yada, I was in the midst of my first flat on the Conti TravelContact. It's been a long, @#$%^ week and I didn't have the spirit to fix it. I ended up defeated, borrowing a bus ticket from 'Sheryl' and coming home on the #17. My exit left me .6m from the house, leaving me a nice amble home. In my 10+ yrs commuting it's the first time I've jumped on the bus in times of need. Life is about new experiences, right? Blah blah blah.
The first week of school is wearing everyboy out, me included. I'm already imagining tomorrow afternoon. Ah those liberting Fridays.
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