Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Date: August 12 Tues
Weather: 80F, overcast, cool 60F in the morning
Mileage: 13.5
August mileage: 109
Year to date: 1537

I'm into a bit of a good rhythm wherein I'm commuting every day. It's not "recreational", but it feels good just to get to work under my own power. Things have been superstressful at work. I'm on the committee to replace a long-standing principal, a high powered one at that. I've learned more about politics- workplace ones- in the last month than in the rest of my 15-year career combined. Who knew? I thought it was about teaching kids what they need to know to be productive adults and citizens. So yesterday I worked a 10-hr day and today an eleven-hr one. I'm utterly exhausted and I've only had students 1 day. I feel more like a zombie than they look, and I went to bed at 9.30.

Both yesterday and today's commutes were marked with horrific smells out of Swift today. There has been movement, nay protest, afoot to have the Swift Packing company move their facility. Nothing like have burning pig flesh occasionally waft through the neighborhood. What was strange the last 2 days is that my route takes me at least 2 miles south of the "plant", and I don't think I've ever smelled it so strong. I would think part of my a.m. commute is even stronger and I could practically hear Wilbur crying, "NO!!". Other than odiferousness, my commutes were just that, but a hell of a lot better than in a car. I saw another commuter, one without helmet and with messenger bag, this morning on Taylorsville Rd. at 6.20. I'm surprised tattoo boy was up so early. The rear mech on the LHT is starting to get gunked up or something, so I might have to pop on another bike for a day or 2 until I have a chance to get it adjusted or cleaned this weekend. 'Nuff said, but it's back to work to make some bacon. Poor Wilbur.

Oh, and after my quickie entry yesterday I talked 'L' into going up to the pizza joint with my on 2 wheels while his mother and brother went on 4. No value judgement. Just glad to have his company. I love 2-mile commutes with either of my boys.

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