Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Date: August 26 Tues
Weather: 87F, windy
Mileage: 16
August mileage: 279
Year to date: 1707

Date: August 28 Thurs
Weather: 93F, pegajoso, as my hispanohablante friends would say, sticky and icky
Mileage: 15
August mileage: 294
Year to date: 1722

Tuesday- another commute. my early morning was disjointed, so i left a bit late and did the "classic" route of 6m. in the p.m. i wanted to go a bit long, but within 5-6m i was crawling at 10mph into the westerly winds. i took in theBeargrass Path and then came through Cherokee...slowly. I took pics but am too lazy to download them

Wednesday- first non-ride of the school year. had a 2.30 meeting at school and 4.00 meeting with superintendent, the Big Boss, about annoying crap beyond my control. Because of the need to not be completely soaked and smarmy upon arrival at "the third floor" (where the special people work), I drove. boo hoo.

Thursday- I left early intending to take the Cherokee route, but instead saw a flashing light on Woodbourne that I needed to chase. I made progress towards B'town, but he went a different way. He turned onto Douglass ahead of me (going straight form the east) so I chased some more. He turned again, this time on Speed towards Newburg, which is dumb route. I went straight on Norris and left on B'castle and then right onto Newburg and caught him at EasternPkwy. Going down and up the TylerPk trough he tried to big gear me, but I nestled right in for a comfy pace and road behind him going into Winter. Gave my greeetings and turned left towards work. What was going to be a 11mph wake-up ride ended up being a 20mph interval session. Fun! In the p.m. I took the old route via Brandeis and through Shelby Pk, crossing EstPkwya towards Audabon, the "southern route". Because I could, I took a foot bridge which took me through the Camp Taylor area. This was an honest-to-deity military camp during WWI. The barracks were converted long ago into small apartments. If you didn't know the history, you sure would know about the base. At some point I turned left and went up a grassy climb which was sort of interesting but hot as Hades. From there home via Ashwood. While it was the "southern route", I made numerous variations to keep things interesting. Tomorrow I'm playing hookey to get new tires in preparation for Family Camp. I could buy a decent commuter bike for what the tires are going to cost me. The benefits of minimizing family vehicles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Camp Taylor still looks like a WWI army camp. (I went to Camp Taylor Elementary School in first grade, which is a new building but tucked within the neighborhood -- you could actually walk there fairly easily if you cut straight through the Audubon Country Club golf course, but I only did that once.) It used to be low-income housing; not sure what its official status is now, but the apartments don't look as if they've been updated much.

You've done some long rides this week!

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