Date: September 30 Tues
Weather: 71F sunny again
Mileage: 33.5
September mileage: 400
Year to date: 2167
Needing to do 33m today to meet 400m for the month, I took advantage of yet more sunny skies to do a long afternoon on the Trek400SS. After a normal morning route, I did the Algonquin/Riverwalk loop to start my afternoon. I was feeling it in this section. It's dead flat so I was able to really get the single speed rhythm going. My title refers to that, I would say, contemplative zone of just turning the gear and watching the surroundings. I had a 15min zone there when my mind was clearer than at any other point in the day.
I had to dodge workers on the Riverwalk chipping tree detritus from the storms. We'll be digging out of that for months, I think. From there it was up Spring to Mellwood and then the Frankfort corridor. Frankfort Ave. provides only one of two hills on this route, another goodie for the SS. Do you think that was planned? In St. Matthews I stopped by Lotsa Pasta for a new bottle of oregano-infused oil. Yummy, damn yummy. That's a really good addition to dinner. After my stop I did a flat loop and into the park and home, coming up Millvale for my other hill. Great ride. I needed 33 and I rode 33.5, and that without having a computer. That gave me 400m for the month, something I'm pleased with. I'm thinking that 3,000m is reachable for the year.
2007- 2,777
2006- 2,573
2005- 1,418
(1999- 2,514)
As we see, an upward arc. I like it. I like riding. I need 300m a month to get 3,000 with no problem. 300m/month is very doable with not too much pressure. We'll see. I'm horrible about making goals and not meeting them. It's that psychotic part of my brain. So better is to ride and ride and see how it comes out. I did it today, though.
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