Date: September 5 Fri
Weather: 80F, rainy
Mileage: 26
September mileage: 56
Year to date: 1823
I had written a big, long superfluous entry bashing another blogger's entry for its political content without actually knowing the intention of the author. I can sometimes take a joke, but I'm really, really tired of this cynical, evil and corrupt batch of assholes (Dick anyone?) who have sold our economy to China, have gotten us into a miserable conflagration in the Middle East and have ruined our reputation abroad, much less the offered a complete lack of effective governmental support at home. Blogs and the online world are strange beasts b/c it's so easy to hide behind a digital moniker and also hide one's true ideology behind a "I took a bike ride" entry. We can agree to disagree, but the present party is lock stock and barrel bad news. All politics is personal.
And I still have a nasty hack.
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