Date: September 2 Tues
Weather: 95F, hot
Mileage: 14+3
September mileage: 17
Year to date: 1784
Date: September 3 Wed
Weather: 90F, sticky again
Mileage: 13
September mileage: 30
Year to date: 1797
I've managed to pick up a cold or virus or something. I willed myself to work today on the bike, and really didn't feel too bad except that the mileage reflects my lack of ambition. Yesterday I went to Krogers for an errand only to find that I had a lock but no key. I ran home and retrieved a key and returned on the fixie. Today was about as short as possible, 13m with the extra mile in the morning and straight home in the p.m. I took a "sick" day on Friday, so it figures that I am sick now after the "sick" day. And tomorrow is parent/teacher conference, which basically means a miserable 7a.m.-9p.m. day with a petit respite in the middle.
And the weather sucks. 90F+ and humid is getting old. But I'm alive and kicking and have only my mind to blame if I'm too cranky. peace and tailwinds.
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