Sunday, November 30, 2008

Maysville Dowtown Loop

Date: Nov 29 Sat
Weather: 40F, windy
Mileage: 21
November mileage: 568
Year to date: 3041

After the going-into-Maysville ride Friday, I took a morning 21m loop from the house and into downtown Maysville hard along the great Ohio. It wasn't earth-shattering like this ride, but it was as pleasant a 1.5hr that I could spend. Simply marevelous.

Morning view south towards Lewisburg.

South Fork of the Licking River along Strodes Run.

2 dead horses...Just Joking!

The Adams farm, according to my fatherinlaw

Telephotoed Adams farm pic. I like these 2 as much as any pics I've taken.

The famous Magee's Bakery. Word is, George Clooney, from nearby Augusta, still orders their transparent puddings (chess pie) for mailing. I stopped and bought the good wife a dozen tea cookies. I also arrived at Magee's a bit taxed after a mile-long chase with a young, healthy and exuberant black coon dog.

Maysville bridge down the river.

One of Browning factories. It's pertinent to you cyclists b/c the famous Wald baskets, given the seal of I/Grant approval, are made here.

Maysville bridge again.

2nd Street in Maysville. Like so many others, downtown is fighting a losing battle vs. the Wal-Mart sprawl from up the hill. As I understand it, Maysville is one of the oldest few towns in KY, and was its capital at some point.

Maysville and Ohio River.

I finished off the Maysville portion of this ride by climbing the infamous Old 68 Buffalo Trace hill. I had driven the car up it before, but had never climbed in on 2 wheels. Not unlike some of the climbs yesterday, the Buffalo Trace- and yes, the road was originally carved by bison- provides a near mile-long climb peppered with gradients anywhere from 7% up into the high teens (according to mapmyride). It's a colorful elevation display. It was a fantastic 2 days of riding.

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