Monday, December 08, 2008

'Nuttin Fancy

Date: Dec 8 Mon
Weather: 30F/50F
Mileage: 26
December mileage: 86
Year to date: 3130

Mostly simple and straightforward commute on the Trek today. It's looking completely ghettofied with 1 silver crankarm and the replacement one a fine plasticized Black. Ugly! This morning was a smidge interesting b/c I rode to work with the roads covered with fine pellets of sleet. It seemed like traction should've been compromised, but it was fine. 'BB' rode for the firs time in a long while. I actually got to our point a bit late but saw her just up the road. The afternoon provided mellow temps around 50F and the long way home via the West End, Shawnee, Riverwalk and Beargrass Trail. I ran across cyclists both next to Chickasaw and on the BT, in that case mtbikers heading to Cherokee.

The forecast is looking for big rain the next 2 days, so grocery bags will be in order. I must flay myself for being lazy last W,TH, and F.

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