Saturday, June 26, 2010

Whew! Hot-n-Slow

I wanted a bike ride instead of a "training session", so I dug out the dusty, cob-webby 'bent and went about roaming. Knowing that I needed some new patch kits, I first stopped by the bank for some 'cash money action' and then roamed around the flattest roads possible, on the 'bent you know. That led me through the parks and down the Beargrass Trail. I stopped by the Butchertown Green to tighten a cleat screw- yes, I was actually wearing cleated cycling shoes- and took in the non-activity at the new "cyclocross park", which doesn't show any activity to speak of. From there I looped through Butchertown and towards OnYourLeftCyles , where I picked up the patch kits and admired an especially dandy Raleigh SS Cross bike. Once there, it was a stop at OldTown for some game-time beverages and then home got one of the slowest 16m efforts on record. However slow, it was damn pleasant!

And we're down 0-1 after the first half. Bleh!

1 comment:

Pondero said...

...and here we establish (once again) that cycling speed does not correlate with pleasure...

Sounds like a great outing.

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