Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bike Jog

Ironic that Pondero commented on yesterday's sickness post, as I thought directly of him this afternoon. See, I had a small window after work. The weather is ridiculously nice at mid-70s for this late Fall day and importantly, while the crud is still in my nasal passages, overall  I feel much much better. With my window I headed out on a 35min bike jog on the QB in the neighborhood. It reminded me of one of his 3-mile loops, during which he seemingly enjoys the bike just as much as on a "manly" long march.

My 8m did wonders. I felt the spin, stretched the legs, burned some fuel and breathed. Very, very refreshing.


David Crowell said...

Good! Are you up for a ride this weekend?

Apertome said...

Excellent! I've done a few really short rides like that recently and enjoyed them just as much.

Laura said...

Glad you're feeling better!
I had a crappy day at work and vented at the gym -- nearly threw up while jogging on the treadmill, but felt good to do a mental "f* you!" by running. I need to remember how good it felt and vent more often by exercising!

Pondero said...

atta boy!

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