Sunday, November 21, 2010


Dave and I spent last Sunday morning doing an out-SW loop under sunny,cloudy, shaded skies. To be honest, I was sort of cold almost the entire ride, and for that purpose, I rode harder than I had in any previous rides. Fact it, I felt good.  We linked up to Iroquois via 3rd St., out Manslick and Penile and left on Bearcamp, always a nice road. Below are some pics at a nature stop in Jefferson Memorial Forest.

Up Bearcamp Rd.

Err, inappropriate hiking method in JeffCoForest

Bleriot. It's an awfully nice ride with the Soma B-line tires
Bearcamp, for me, was bittersweet. I felt good and crunched the small rollers along the route, but each time we dived into the shadow- which was at least 60% of the time, I got chilled. Towards the southernmost point of the route, I suggested to Dave that we cut off a bit with a right turn onto Scott Gap Rd. Not feeling great on the climbs, he agreed

barn on Bearcamp Rd.

We stopped briefly at another JeffCoMemForest parking lot on Scott Gap and talked to a hiker with his dog for a couple minutes. He intimated that he helped design the trails along that area. Good for him if the case. Bad for him if the case b/c the climb out of the gap onto the ridge is a tough one.

We head NE back towards home, able to hold a nifty click along Southern Pkwy and Eastern.  While Dave struggled a bit (one of those days), I felt great on the bike the whole route. Nice to have those kind of days, one that totaled around 45.

Yesterday both of us had much more limited time, so we left the Eastern/B'town Heine's to do the Riverwalk western loop, both on our single speeds. Nothing bad to report. We made good time spinning along and for a change, didn't stop too much.  Towards the end, we did stop at Sunergo's for a pick-me-up and then towards the Highlands. At one point Dave was going home to do work. Instead, he followed me before peeling off to Vic's and OYLC. Later Lithodale saw him there talking racks; I hope he had luck with that.

Bat Cave along Riverwalk


Laura said...

Is the road really called Penile? Might explain the condom wrapper...

LvilleTex said...

My mom actually went to Penile Elem. school in 1st grade. To get there, you go via Manslick. Go figure. =)

David Crowell said...

Glad I'm not the only one to see the humor in the names of the roads.

Apertome said...

Lovely photos ... the Bleriot is in fine form. I'm envious!

Alabama Sky Day 3 Vistas

We began Day 3 with a basic breakfast at the restaurant, again better than camp cooking a salt bomb,and bundled up for a long descent in th...