Thursday, December 16, 2010

cerca de Stir Crazy

We're off school for the 2nd time in four days, first Monday for the remnants of the snow we experienced Sunday in Hoosier NF. The roads, and more so the ability of drivers on the roads dictate for the kiddies to be safe and sound. Today (last night) we had an ice event. I had to hold on to the car's door handles to keep from sliding down the driveway.  I was able to get the wife to work and to buy some cookies on the return, along with buying some salt for the driveway.

I haven't ridden since Sunday, no, incorrect. Since Sunday's 41-miler, I have:
**ridden 30min Monday in the dark 20F  night during L's soccer practice. I wouldn't call it satisfying.
**done nothing Tuesday amidst the frigid temps and busy semester-end schedule, which has been tough for everybody. Instead of exercising, I ate.
**walked for 1hr at 4.30 in the morning with 9F. I was so pissed at eating like shit Tuesday that I took it out on myself. I certainly didn't want to awake at 3.45 with a grumpy belly from all the shit I ate Tuesday. Lesson learned.
**planned to commute Wednesday but didn't in order to taxi children. #2 had to be at school at 6.45 and both had activities in the afternoon, so I drove. The afternoon fell apart and I didn't ride/walk after work.

I sit here Thursday and am chomping at the bit to get OUT! Coming back from dropping the wife off I saw a dude in a nice bright blue Salsa 29er with a rigid fork. I looked online and couldn't find a comparable frame, but it was purty. I rolled down the window and asked him if he was riding studs. "Nope." Good for him, I guess. I wouldn't want to be on the roads without extra traction.

Tonight is another Car-Free Happy Hour, this time at Smoketown BBQ. I've never been to one, usually b/c the schedule is packed, but this one I might have to attend. Otherwise I will go crazy just staring outside in the cold.

30-8PM at Smoketown USA, 1153 Logan Street

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