Jogging, to put it mildly
I'm trying to get my half hour of something in. I love cycling the most and wish I did it more. About 1.5m into my "jog" I was passed by a guy on a road bike with a messenger bag and a blinkie and wished that I were him.
Walking/Jogging is easier to do when pressed for time. You put on more normal clothes. You walk out the door. You go. Today I "jogged" a little more than walked and feel sated physically. And I'm sure that any of my dear readers who primarily ride but sometimes jog know what I'm talking about. Spring is stupid with tennis commitments much less the boys' activities. There isn't much time. Last year I did great getting in mileage during tennis season. This year I'll do my time on two wheels, but these 30 and 40min chunks of activity are a hell of a lot better than nothing.
Nice pink and blue sunset tonight too.
Walking/Jogging is easier to do when pressed for time. You put on more normal clothes. You walk out the door. You go. Today I "jogged" a little more than walked and feel sated physically. And I'm sure that any of my dear readers who primarily ride but sometimes jog know what I'm talking about. Spring is stupid with tennis commitments much less the boys' activities. There isn't much time. Last year I did great getting in mileage during tennis season. This year I'll do my time on two wheels, but these 30 and 40min chunks of activity are a hell of a lot better than nothing.
Nice pink and blue sunset tonight too.