Friday, June 14, 2013

What I did today

A very common question I receive as a teacher is any kind of variation on, "What are you going to do with your summer?".

Here is what I did today, so far:

  • Woke up at 7.00am
  • Watered the flowers and the front road bed which was a bit dry
  • Drove to Breadworks to get coffee and scones for the family (should have ridden, I know)
  • Sat at patio table, drank coffee and read the newspaper a bit
  • At 8.15, took 'L' to his art camp
  • Sat at the computer and played with maps for potential rides and tours.
  • Rode a bit over 20 miles. I stopped at Caperton Swamp for some bird nerding and then at Eva Bandman for more bird nerding. Fact is, the weather (75F, sunny, lowish humidty) is just about perfect and I'm happy to ride, view, putter, ramble, ride, etc. I'm not very driven to pile on mega-mileage at the moment.
  • More computing including a letter to the passport office about 'Z's' missing passport. Both the post office and someone there screwed up and they're suggesting we pay $72 to expedite it for his July trip. Screw that. They screwed up. They should finish the damn thing and mail it here, thanks.
  • Mid-afternoon blog writing and bird researching
  • Shower
  • In a mad dash, from 3.30 to 5.30 I ran to Kroger to drop off a prescription and then picked 'L' up from art camp and then returned to Kroger to pick up scrip and then to home for 'L' to change and to give scrip to 'Z' and then to MVSC for a summer pick-up game
  • Read a book and watched an indoor soccer game
  • Picked 'Z' up and went to Buckhead's- Z's choice. Had a nice flight of IPAs mostly and a chicken sandwich with veggies.
  • Stopped by Party Mart for various sundries.
  • Am now home, partaking of sundries, finishing the post and living the Dream. 
That's what I do on my summer break.

Caperton Swamp:
  • kingfisher- "Caperton Kingfisher" I'll call him. He's been there 3x now
  • two black-crowned night heron
  • great blue heron (flustered and flying off)
  • grackles aplenty
  • **unidentifiable heron-  he was hiding down in the reeds a bit and I didn't get a good look at him. Smaller, squatter neck than the usual great blue
  • **some kinda ducks with a funky head, but I don't think it was a mallard. could have been from afar.
  • male cardinal in field
  • downy woodpecker in field
  • **carolina wren- most likely, but they were flittering about and didn't get a good look
  • Great blue heron EvaBandman/Beargrass Creek
  • black-crowned night heron EvaBandman/Beargrass Creek
  • cliff or barn swallow- they fly so fast I have a hard time differentiating  EvaBandman/Beargrass Creek
  • pair of goldfinches along River Rd.
  • red-winged blackbirds in EvaBandman field
  • robins, lots of robins
  • Mallard duck mother and approx 8 ducklings  EvaBandman/Beargrass Creek
  • Killdeer at boat dock
  • Starling flock at old Louisville Country Club
  • domesticated geese flock at boat dock- same one I've seen there before
  • mother wood duck and approx 5 ducklings Beargrass Creek Trail

Huge poison ivy vine fallen. "Leaves of three..."

Caperton Swamp path

Caperton field

Beargrass Creek confluence at Ohio River at Eva Bandman. Heron in the middle. Terrible pic.

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