Monday, March 13, 2006

"The New World" on Monday

it's been a week since my last post, and that's mostly b/c nothing all that good has been happening. let's see:

the Cats got a crappy- but well deserved- 8th seed and gets to play UAB, a team that dramatically beat then 2 years ago. if they get luck and win, they get the opportunity to play Connecticut, a team that will beat then by 20. oh well, better than UL, which got a #1 seed in the NIT, NIT!!! i would've bet $1000 that Rick Pitino could NEVER coach a team to the NIT. unfathomable.

haven't been on a bike in forever. fat, doughy and lazy. shitty tennis. i remind myself to quit every year and don't.

more importantly is that the garden is sprouting. i made a new bed and stuck a nice Panicum "Heavy Metal" in the middle of the raised part. i love plants!

it's been wet, windy and wild around here lately. i see some sun poking out and hope it's a harbinger of better things to come b/c it's been raining since Thursday night.

saw "The New World" the other night. I love Terrance Malik movies. they're so visualing arresting, story be damned. this one was incredibly slow and methodical and uneventful, but it was just great. and at the end, you get an idea of how incredibly hard we screwed the "Indians". they got the shaft big time. it's a great 'sliceoflife' encapsulation of that moment of contact. it's not a movie for everyone, but i would see it again in a heartbeat.

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