Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Bernheim Beaut!

Date: April 5
Mileage: 2+
Ride type: Family ride
Bike: 9.2.5!
Temp: 64 p.m.
April mileage: 15
Year to date: 440

today was certainly the nicest weather forecasted for Spring Break, so we decided to do a little hiking and biking at Bernheim Forest near Louisville. It's a 14,000 preserve established by some old industrial magnate some years ago. It now hosts a variety of trails, short and long, several lakes, a nationally-recognized arboretum and a recently focused educational mission. Fact is, the place is great, and only a 25-min drive from town. we first had a picnic, and then the kids fooled around at hte playground. there is a new "smell exhibit" where you smell these weird tubes- fire/burnt shit, honeysuckle, skunk as examples. we then fooled around the new visitors center, which is very eco-friendly and tasteful to boot. then a hike around the arboretum. later another hike on the creek trail. it's interesting b/c this one is a fav, and used to take a while, but now the boys are bigger and it didn't take much time as all. THEN a little bike ride.

now, i'm miffed at myself for having not ridden in a month, but the good spouse hasn't for something like 10 years. we took a closed road loop and went pretty cautiously, as i was on the fixed 9.2.5. and she on her Trek which she hasn't been on in forever. the boys and i then did a further big loop around the main road. i'm trying to teach Z the older to better deal with cadence. he rides a Trek 6 speed/gripshift that a neighbor boy gave him. he rides in 1st or 2nd b/c they're "easy", but then spins out on the hills. he won't seem to listen to gearing down and moderating the effort. L the younger did great. he's got a very small bike (for a 6 yearold) with comensurate small wheels and small gearing, so he's constantly out of the saddle getting some extra speed. i'm afraid in a few years L is going to be able to outride Z on both strenght and guile.

i'm strongly considering taking a ride tonight after choir practice. it'll be warm and rains are forecasted for the next two days.

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