Thursday, December 21, 2006


I love the fact that dynohubs and their respective dynolights are becoming much more viable options as the development of commuter mounts grows. What we have here is an attractive Bianchi CastroValley (stupid name) set up for commuting purposes: fenders, Shimano hub and light, 28C "Randonneur " tires, multiple braze-on rack mounts. yes, i would personally prefer a triple instead of a low-geared double- if i perhaps were to tour-, and would prefer a higher position, but it's a nice package set for urban riding.

I haven't been riding much, although I can't put my finger on the exact reason. Those may include: shopping and errands, rain, cold, wife@work and me with boys, etc. etc. I've had a couple opportunities but have passed them by. Last Sunday would've been a great day to ride, but instead I took a nap ( refreshing one at that). I by-passed a 35F ride yesterday morning, thinking I would ride in the p.m., but "rain" excuse cropped up. This a.m. I was awake early enough before the good wife had to go to work, but it was raining and dark. If it had been a commuting day, I would've ridden, but alas. This is what happens in the summer. I'm better with a schedule. W/out one, I dither and dather and make mental excuses and it doesn't happen so readily. Hostia!

(I learned that one reading a book abt a journalist's travels through Spain. It means "body of Christ", and is a general interjection)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been drooling over dyno systems myself for about a year, but as yet, have not loosened my death grip on the cash for one.

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