No entries for a couple weeks. I went from the Paducah tournament to matches to an even bigger Nashville tournament to more big matches and now, today, I have a moment to breathe. It's Oaks Day in the 'Ville, the day before Derby. Just as other cities have that public crescendo, whether it be a music festival or sports playoff, Louisville has the Kentucky Derby, a 2-week extravaganza of events, parties and races. I stayed in bed until almost 9.30 this morning, finally catching up from last weekend. I hope to sneak a ride or two in this weekend, but today it's quite stormy. I don't mind some rain, but the thunder and lightening are obvious deterrents. I haven't cycled or meditated now for weeks, although I think of those things fondly. I find that I can still regain moments of mindfulness at different points of the day even though I'm not meditating regularly. Another tennis coach with whom I get along pretty well stated that I seemed very "Zen" at the tournament in Nashville. I took that as quite a compliment, that I can remain calm and collected in those stressful moments of "success" or "failure". The (not) problem with my tennis team is that we're certainly one of the top 5 teams in the state, so it's not like it's shits-and-giggles "tennis club". From a competitive standpoint there IS something on the line, but that I can be more patient is important for me and for the boys. There ARE boys- even at the age of 14-18. They want to be men, but still have learning to do. If I can attain a kind of "Zen" state to help them in that path, then I consider that quite a benefit.
And boy, I'm feeling fat. Those weeks of non-exercise weigh you down, even if you don't pick up weight. Uck!
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