Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Date: Sept 25 Tues
Mileage: 18 (LHT)
September mileage: 120
Year to date: 1526

Commuted with 'Sheryl' in the p.m. It's still damn hot at 90F when it averages highs of 77F this time of year. It's just hot and muggy and unpleasant. Had a pretty good ride, though, going down through Irish Hill, the Beargrass Trail and then through the hills of Cherokee. I don't climb quickly, but it's a "head down and grind" kind of technique at this point. Tomorrow holds a meeting after school and another meeting downtown until evening. Gotta' make the decision. To ride with its difficulties tomorrw? Whither the rain (that will come if I ride and won't if I don't)?

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