Date: Sept 28 Fri
Mileage: 14.5 (LHT)
September mileage: 134.5
Year to date: 1540.5
Man it's been a super busy week. Wednesday I went from work to post-work meeting to 1 hour of what ended up to be not free time to another meeting and got home at 9.15. Yesterday seemed equally busy, although I was at home a bit more. This morning I almost didn't answer the bell, but I did it, albeit in the shortest form possible. This afternoon was a Friday, so some work folks went a drinkin', so I had a couple and a fish sandwich to finish the day out. Today it finally cooled off a bit. This a.m. brought 59F and I wore a jacket. This p.m. held almost perfect weather at 80F and sun. This weekend is full of kid camps and a futbol torneo, but I may just sneak out early tomorrow for a sunny day ride on the Bleriot. I'll say it was mission accomplished today though.
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