Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Date: Nov 27 Tues
Mileage: 29(LHT)
November mileage: 424
Year to date: 2473

Afternoon distance with 'BB'. We went out Oak/Virginia to the Riverwalk and then made our way back Beargrass Trail and through Cherokee. I didn't have good legs this morning, and this afternoon I eventually woke up after about 10m. 'BB' is a fit 56, but she's not as experienced on the bike, so I feel relatively strong riding with her. I guess I should ride with 'lance' sometime. I have no clue what his fitness is these days. Making progress on the overall yearly mileage though. I need 175 to supersede last year's totals. I feel confident I can do that by the end of December, but you never know. A ear calamity or another heart afib and all dreams are dashed.

Take advantage of what you have and appreciate each moment. Hard to do in times of stress, but salient nonetheless. Peace.

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