Monday, May 26, 2008

Mixed-media ride

Date: May 26 Mon
Mileage: 17 (LHT)
May mileage: ??
Year to date: 527

I made full use of the LHT's capabilities today, using it both on road and trail. I originally left on the Trek. The forecast and radar indicated big rainstorms at some point, and the Trek (with fenders) is the nominal "I don't give a crap if it falls apart" bike. Something, though, is quite wonky with the pedals and/or crankarms. You can't imagine the creaking. Yes, the pedal threads are greased and should be functional, but I turned around and came home b/c I didn't want to listen to that for hours. I grabbed the LHT b/c it was close, I don't mind it getting nasty, and the pedals were appropriate for my Keens.

I started through the neighborhood and linked over to St. Matthews, feeling the need for some pedestrian terrain. After that it was towards the park where I had to take a quick pit stop at Seneca Pks facilities. Rewinding, I found myself feeling like a car for a change. A group of 3 roller bladers (sic) had turned right into the path (well, at the stop sign in the path) of a truck, with me behind the truck. It was a case of the argument for "2 abreast". They took up the whole street and did so for several blocks. I'm not sure if they were tentative about traffic and just felt they owned the whole damn street. They eventually turned, but I hope I personally am not that obnoxious in traffic. You certainly see complaint after complaint about peletons taking more than their due in virtually every town.

While in Seneca/Cherokee I saw lots and lots of roadies and mtbikers. Almost, no every, one seemed to be in that lycra/training mode. I'm as glad as anybody that there are more cyclists, but I hope some of these same folks are hitting the errand and commuting road too.

Once in Cherokee, I threw in the "mixed use" portion, taking in 2 of the excellent trails there, in fact the same ones as I did yesterday on the C'dale. On the LHT I went more slowly, or more deliberately, but was still able to have just as much fun. If you're in Louisville, give the improved Cherokee trails a try. After that I headed towards home and at some point just ran out of gas completely. I don't have many miles in the legs, and after a previous hard day, I guess se me acabo. I crawled home, where I found 'L' ready to play some tennis. I gladly obliged, and we had another good session. A prodigy in the making? My 1 goal with that would to NOT become a psychotic tennis parent like those I've dealt with all season.

All miles are good miles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"roller bladders" LOL!!!

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