Date: August 24 Sun
Weather: 85F
Mileage: 3
August mileage: 235
Year to date: 1663
Date: August 25 Mon
Weather: 83F
Mileage: 28
August mileage: 263
Year to date: 1691
Sunday's trip was to church and back with the boys, taking the Lakeside route there and the Seneca Gds route home. Today's was a nice commute both ways. I was up quite early- 4.50- and so I left early and did the 8m route to work. I had no great insight on dog hill in Cherokee, but it was a clement trip. In the afternoon I met up with 'Lance' and his son 'Luke'. 'Luke' is a senior in high school and is riding with dad. It's funny to have a very fit 17 yr old riding with him and me b/c he's SO much stronger and gets bored dawdling with the old guys. We went straight to Crescent Hill and I then did a St. Matthews loop before heading into Cherokee for 3 hills. I alsmot came home a bit sooner, but school's XC team was training in the park. How could I wimp out when they were doing hill repeats. Boy, did they scoot up those inclines. It must be nice to be 16 and have no body fat to speak of. Peace.
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