River City Clydesdale Cycling Society
It's an idea I've had of late, especially after riding with David a few weekends ago. I give many props to the Louisville Bicycle Club. Those lycra-clad warriors do many, many miles, put on great popular Tours and offer tons of rides of all persuasions. That said, they don't fill every niche in the Louisville cycling spectrum. I can't deny that after reading about Hiawatha Saturday rides and their 3-Speed rides and the whole RBW, No-Cal mixed-terrain milieu, I'm just feeling the need to enjoy this vibe in the 'Ville with like-minded cyclists. I'm thinking about folks with and without clips, folks with and without classic steel, ones with and without a need to "train", to see interesting vistas, to explore back alleys and back roades, to find a destination and not feel the need to "make time". I'm jealous of others and want the cycling experience I enjoy to be one I can share with other cyclists. Maybe I'm the only @#$@# person in Louisville who wants to take an adventure ride with mixed terrain, stop for pie, take pics, camp out, and lazily enjoy the countryside on a bike without the need for the heart-rate monitor, clipless pedals or a paceline. I'm damn sure many in the LBC would put their $$s worth that they also are these things, but you go to the club rides and it's mano-a-mano, dog-eat-dog, pace pace pace. That's great for them, but not for stopping and enjoying those roses, at least like I want to do. In a way, I don't think the "Clydesdale" portion of the title is necessary, although I fit well within that category. You don't have to be "Clydesdale"; you just have to want to ride and that's all, with nothing to prove.
I'm not so sure I have the cojones to do anything more than make up a name, but a posse of laid-back folk on the bikes taking pics and living the dream certainly conjures up fun. David had the same observation I have had, and I've heard others as well. We're too slow for the "pace" crew, but too fast for the "slow" crew. We of the RCCCS need to unite to further enjoy our bikes on our terms.
Blah blah blah! If anyone has a comment, feel free to put it down. I know of two or three Louisville cyclists who read this (Dennis, another Riv owner, I might add) but only David has left a comment. Opinions 'Ville riders? Are you up for this?
I would imagine many of the utility cyclists/commuters in the area would be interested... at least when they have free time. I know I would.
We must think alike on other topics also. I went for a ride early this afternoon on this cold, windy, yet sunny day. Oh, and I had swapped the clipless for platforms. I can wear warmer footwear that way.
So, when are you going to schedule the first RCCCS ride? :)
Hey, 1's a solo, 2's a Society.
I'll get thinking on a ride.
If you build it, they will come.
Count me in. I would only be able to come occasionally given that I live in Berea, but what you are proposing is exactly what I am looking for. As a bonus, I would be more than happy to host a ride down here.
KY Philo, I think you have a winner. Home-and-away sounds great.
Sounds like a great idea, and certainly something I'd go for, if I were in the area. No real need to restrict it to Clydesdales, though. Just make it clear to any skinny guys that if they go too fast, they will be mocked for failing to take in the scenery.
Sounds do-able enough. Even though I respect those on LBC rides, their pace frightens me too much to join in. And besides, I don't look good in spandex.
Great John. I don't think I know you, but feel free to contact me. mysurly69@yahoo.com
We need to get the first RCCCS ride scheduled! Now that I've fixed up my hybrid a bit I feel more comfortable riding it.
I would just ride the recumbent, but hauling it to Louisville is an issue.
I *am* slow(ish), but isn't that part of the fun?
I'll bring myself, my bike, and my camera.
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