Friday, December 05, 2008


I haven't ridden the last few days. Wednesday I just didn't want to. Wednesday evening I had a weird sudden heart rate increase, not quite the flip-flop of a usual Afib episode, but unsettling. It's also been very cold (high of 28F today), so the combo of laziness, cold and concern have made for no-ride days.

The purpose of this whinefest is a find on Drivemybike via UrbanVelo of an early-90s article from I/Grant, one which Sheldon scanned on his own website. All of us should read and soak in. Riding with LithoDale some has made me more concerned about speed- Who's got the biggest pair, right?- than I have been in years, but I've had more enjoyment from just riding these past few years than at any other time. Just ride! And that's what I'll do tomorrow.

Peace and be nice to those around you this weekend.


lithodale said...

It's funny to read this because we laughed the last time we rode about speed. I can ultimately not help wanting to go fast. Most of my rides are constrained to 1 hour so that is often the easiest thing to look at. That said I could not have enjoyed that leisurely Sunday ride where we averaged about 15 MPH any more. It was great and really encompassed a lot of the "I/Grant" principles in this linked article. I am sure I will store some of this up and spit it back out on looping Sunday rides where I normally like to talk about the Rivendell Tips for Happy Riding which has a similar feel.

Ultimately I assure you - it's not about the size of one's pair!

-Your pal Dale (who can't ride again until Tuesday....)

rigtenzin said...

I've read this piece from the B-stone catalog before and I like it.

Did you read the quote at the bottom of the page about cold baths? It's 5 degrees here this morning and I can't imagine getting in cold water (even indoors).

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