Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pico de Abeja

Z had cross country at Cherokee/Hogans on Saturday so I figured I would ride the 2hrs he was running (since I had to provide transpo). I've had issues- read: Mental Block- with my road bike of late so more trails seemed fun. The map below shows that I started in a clockwise fashion, which is counter to the general design of the trails in Seneca. I wanted to do them clock and then counter-clockwise I could soak up the fun of the downhills in the 2nd half.

I did most of the first loop and as I reached the most SEern end I felt a sting on my ankle. I turned to do the return trail and my ankle was definitely fussing at me, so I decided to soft-pedal and us the road to return to the car. I was stung some years ago and had suffered a violent histamine reaction to the sting. I wasn't going to chance it.

Sitting here now 4 days later I still have an itchy leg. The body changes and this one for the worse. Where's my Epi-pen?

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