Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Louisville's first cycLOUvia went off Sunday afternoon. Like the original in Bogota and with subsequent versions, a 3-mile section of local thoroughfare Bardstown Rd.was closed for Sunday afternoon to motorized traffic. The younger son and I carved a bit of time to take a gander, mostly after waiting out some potential rain that never quite happened.

 The event itself was fun and unique, with two immediate observations. First, it was some of the most dangerous cycling I've done. I liken it to riding a bike on pinballs or while being shot at by Nerf guns. I don't know if the pics best depict the number of children, walkers, skateboarders or whatnot, all running willy-nilly to and fro in all directions. I felt for sure that I would either hit or be hit at any moment. Given his cycling experience, the Younger did a great job on the Crosscheck negotiating things. Secondly, it was fun for its unique quality. I wouldn't want that to define my cycling experience, but every now and then I think it's worth spicing things up and bringing attention to non-cars for a change.

 Here is a local newsprint article and a TV package. L and I came by a videoreporter filming the street but we didn't get in the footage.

Cellphone image pretty crappy. Grey skies didn't help. North from "beer zone" in front of Cumberland Brews.

North from EasternPkwy. 

Some of L's images below:

Unicycle man

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