Sunday, September 01, 2013

Family Camp 2013

As I did in 2010 and 2011, I undertook the Lou.-Yosemite Family Camp Hundy, and as ever I struggled mightily to achieve my goal without perishing on the beautiful KY backroads. I re-read the two previous entries and I just don't have as much to say- less bloviation- about the experience. It was my third time, and my fourth solo century, and aside the pain, suffering, blown legs, sore arms. overheated noggin and general misery it was as great as ever, probably more so.

I started the morning ominously, realizing that I had forgotten my pump not terribly far from home, and then had the internal debate of whether to turn back and fetch, bag the entire thing, or just marshal onward. I then remembered the Target along Taylorsville Rd. in J'town and that became my first stop, where I wheeled the entire bike in, found a suitable (and cheap, $8!) pump and headed out.  I chose to take a very steady tempo towards Taylorsville so as to not fry later in the day.  I even walked a bit. And that was just fine.

I stopped at The Teacup in Taylorsville and can't say enough kind things about this place. The cinnamon bun hit the spot. The chocolate muffin hit the spot some miles down the roads. And they *offered* to ice and fill my bottles. Good people, and I'll be returning.

As I reached the top of the Salt River valley I started to open the legs up just a bit. Fact is, even back in Jefferson Co. I realized I didn't "have the legs", but I did have plenty of time, a general knowledge of the route, and a bit of determination. Why not? Just do it. The turn onto 458 begana day of just plain old delightful central KY riding, even with heat well into the 90s. I can't do any better than that. Everyone out there deserves to ride these roads. Yes, the climb early on brought some more walking (to save the legs), but the sunshine and green fields brought distraction and a nice sense of roll.

The intersection of 458 and 1066 suggested a nice soft spot in the shade along the roads. The grass looked so nice. I ate the chocolate muffin and adjusted the Brooks which was bothering me a bit. It worked. No more saddle issues the next 65 miles. I passed directly through Chaplin with plenty of water and hit my favorite stretch along 1754 towards Willisburg. Yes, I walked a bit more up the climb out of the Chaplin River valley, but the ridge running in to Willisburg made that section palatable.

I took a quick nap in Willisburg under my traditional church pavilion and ate some snacks, but no cheeseburger this time. The heat- mid-90s- was cranking down and I refilled my water yet again. The roads turns to 433 east of Willisburg into Mackville, with more creek runs and shade to make things pleasant as I passed my Metric Hundy. Good stuff still at this point, remembering the point along this stretch where in 2011 the heat had me resting under the shade of a tree along the road.

I had been dreading the 10 miles prior to Perryville as I dove onto Deep Creek Rd. This stretch is notorious for short, steep hills, and today as usual, the baking sun. I rode what I could ride, and walked what I needed and had a better time that previous on this stretch. I even added a couple miles with a wrong turn, but the hilly terrain of Washington and Boyle Counties only made for a more interesting ride.

Perryville Battlefied
I was pleased to be in Perryville and not shelled within an inch of my life like in 2011. I grabbed more water and some snacks and hit the stretch into Junction City feeling positive.

It was here that the pictures stopped.

I was along Mitchellsburg Rd. that my brain farted pronouncedly. Instead of following my route I turned left onto Harberson Ln, which during my routing I had avoided. Instead of a relatively easy run as I did in 2011, I basically added more sharp steepies with a steeper climb up to 34. By the time I found Connie's Restaurant in Parksville I was shelled. I rested in the shade and felt *terrible*. I had mentioned to the wife in Willisburg of a potential pick-up due to the heat. Sitting on that shaded wall I didn't know if I would make it to Junction City for the possible pick-up.

I rode on, doing my fastest lap of the day on the downhill run into JC. Damn! By that point I was 85 miles in. You know how that is. It was closing time. Just pedal and get 'er done. I grabbed another bottle of water and hit the road south for the last leg.  Speaking of legs, mine were burnt.

Dead at this point

Also dead, this former gas station
The trip along 2141, what I presume to be old 127, was slow. My arms hurt from holding myself up all day and I was just done. The pic below of the Hustonville ice cream shack. I've always envisioned stopping here for a treat. The three times I've passed by I've been too fried to stop.  I rolled down into Hustonville and walked up the Mt. Salem climb, imagining the end.

I don't have many pictures along here due to my condition, but the ride run on Mt. Salem is pretty much my favorite cycling road. I just love it, every time. You can see the knobs, hills and dales of Lincoln Co. and I imagine that's how Tolkien saw his Shire. I mean, just look at the pics below! The run from the ride down to Middleburg and Yosemite is mostly a downhill one, and I rode some more in the drops because my arms were so tired in the usual positions.

The sun was setting on me as I finished my 105.5 miles. I think that's probably near a record, but it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure I took in close to 400oz plus of water on the day. Absurd. I was totally shelled at the end and felt like crap the rest of the evening, but the next day I felt good and as I sit here, I'm excited to do a 40-miler with some friends tomorrow. If anybody ever wants to take part of the best cycling roads anywhere, please let me know and I'll organize a C.KY ramble. So righteous.

Storms clouds after a t'storm Saturday evening. No enhancement or doctoring. That's some spiritual for you. God's power. 


Doug said...

I'd love to do a ramble on those roads with you. There's just no way I could do it in that kind of heat. Well done Sir.

Bone said...

"my brain farted pronouncedly."

This is my favorite phrase if the day. Nicely done. If there's a ramble, will there be a nap in the middle?

David Crowell said...

Damn. I can't imagine a century at this point... and I have one planned later this month.

Nice looking ride. It seems you might have held on better if not for your "pronounced brain fart".

I would double-check that the $8 pump works with presta valves before relying on it again.

LvilleTex said...

@Doug, good to hear from you and thanks. And if in KY, I'd love to host a spin.

@Bone when the heat is in the 90s I'm all for a nap, especially with a cold Coke.

@Dave the pump has two holes, one presta, one shrader. I doubt I'll make it my primary, but it's nice to have a back-up. As to your hundy, miles, Man, miles.

Scott Loveless said...

Sneaker pedals on a cross bike FTW!

Alabama Sky Day 3 Vistas

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