I've not had much fun coaching tennis this season. The modern kid isn't as motivated to "do it for the team", so instead of managing known planetary orbits, you're chasing meteors pinging to and fro. They're still in the solar system, but you never quite know their motivations other than that their motivation is certainly individual.
My metaphor is questionable.
This week has been labeled "Hell Week", at least where my life comes in. I'm not reflecting on what I am doing; I am simply doing due to the lack of space-time to think, reflect, or really even opine. It's Wednesday, so I consider myself through three days of the 8-day Hell Week. I find it lamentable to live a life of important or fun activities and not experience them, to wish them away like days of a prison sentence. Yet, that's what I'm doing because the pay-off, which will mostly be my health, will soon approach.
200 miles of driving to Richmond, KY for Z's soccer on Mother's Day. He scored! Honestly, it was the most pathetic club soccer game ever. He won 6-0 but could have been 12-0 had they not called off the dogs in the second half. And it was played on a soupy goat pasture.
Work then drive 160 total miles to Lexington, KY for the state tennis tournament seeding meeting. I got home around 9.00 or so. We got some good seeds, which can be unfortunate because that means you have to stay at the tourney and "coach" kids that are as disinteretested as their coach.
Work then teacher interviews then drive almost 100 total miles to a rain make-up soccer game in E'town, KY. We got home at 10.00. To be fair, I did a little bird watching during the pre-game and saw bluejay, robin, female cardinal, red wing blackbird, crow, two rabbits, identified a Common Yellowthroat, a Hairy Woodpecker, a Killdeer and couldn't ID a swift of some sort, little very grey sparrow thing nor a solid black sparrow-sized thing.
Work then teacher interviews then catch L's last middle school game of the year then drive 3 players and a coach for the 80-mile trip to Lexington again for the state tournament starting Thurs. (I'm actually about to leave, but a majority of the waking day has ended, as have the first two activities listed) The first day is at two different sites, so coverage is complicated. And modern bus/bus driver salaries are such that you just about have to beg the assistance of parents. Teaching tennis isn't so bad. Moving armies is more complicated.
Ky state tennis tourney. Again, multiple locations, time, rain, meals, 12 kids, drivers. I find that I get tired of being in charge.
p.s. We had rain and had to travel indoors in Richmond, adding 80 total miles to my weekly total.
Ky state tennis tourney. Based on seeds we'll be done by Friday's quarterfinals and will roll home. 85 more miles.
Z's got club soccer season-end Cup in Versailles, KY, for another 130 miles of driving. Two games worth and apparently there is construction, so the pretty easy less-than-1-hour is now more complicated.
p.s. Day went off without much of a hitch. The team won and tied a team from the upper division and instead of traveling some construction on US60 we took a detour through some horse farm country. Seems like I'm going to have to do a ride there this summer.
Z's got club soccer season-end Cup in Versailles, KY, for another 130 miles of driving. I only watch one game and then I roll back to 'Ville for the girls' season-end party, which my pushy Booster mom was insistent was this Sunday although now we get to drive two cars. I just realized that I'm turning in a gas receipt for that.
p.s. Well, I didn't have to suffer the last day, as the wife decided to drive down to the game and I stayed home with #2. I picked him up, and dropping him off again at 4.00 and picking him up later still. And to boot, I got about 30 miles of riding in today. Better. Getting better.
And then I rest. Actually, And then I ride.
(Notice that there is no riding in there. I have done a couple purely restorative walks in the morning on Monday and Tuesday. I even did bike errands on Sunday and rode with Dave the previous Saturday. I could barely do a 20-miler. I'm exhausted, fat and entirely out of shape. #SummerCyclingSeason)