
This can be due to:
* High blood pressure
* Coronary artery disease-a condition in which the normal blood flow to the heart is changed because of blockages in arteries
* Heart failure—a condition in which the heart’s main pumping chambers (the ventricles) don’t work well, and this can lead to problems with the atria
* Valvular heart disease—damage to a valve can cause the atria to enlarge and lead to Afib
* Lung diseases-some people with chronic lung diseases have changes in the structure of the atria that leads to Afib
* Thyroid problems—an overactive thyroid gland can lead to Afib
* Excessive alcohol intake—People who drink alcohol often, in large quantities, or who have drinking binges may get Afib.
So far in life I don't seem to have these, unless it's a new problem. I don't think it's booze or caffeine, as I'm been off full caffeine since fall and my alcohol intake isn't more than 1-2 a day (glasses that is).
Don't know. i'm not positive although i should be, right? keep the upper chin? instead, i'm tired and run down and in dread of going to the ER again. hopefully wednesday can shed some light.