I first and foremost apologize to all those out there who don't give a rat's ass how little I have to say that enlightens the world. It's a Monday and you'll have to cope with banality of the vacuous existence of my blog.
Oo, there, I feel better. Anyway...
I did nothing of any great import today save riding my bike to work and back for a grand total of 13m. That was time better spent than driving, sitting, staring, grousing, whining, eating, chafing, coercing, cajoling, acquiescing, or even gesticulating for that matter. I rode, rode slowly, rode coldly and have returned with a "check, I accomplished that and I'm the better for it" pat on the back. It's
unnecessarily cold here in the 'Ville, with this morning at 19F and this afternoon at 30F an windy. To be honest I was more comfortable this morning. It's dipping to 14F tonight, which is ridiculously cold given that the avg temps this time of year are 53F/33F. Oh well, layering it is.
I'm about to sent the LHT off to the for some derailer work. I fiddled with it this weekend but it does this dramatic "thunk!!!!" when I leave a light. I adjust the bar-end shifter in motion and it stays reasonably secure, but I swear I'm going to break a chain or shear off a derailer at some point. I wish I were mechanical, but I'm not and I'd have to talk it to C'Ville anyway. The rest of the week I'm either up at 5 to ride before work (due to tennis) or I don't ride; we'll see what gremlin wins the battle.
And speaking of gremlins, I decimated some Girl Scout Cookies today. I mean savagly. It makes me want to be bumilic. Just Joking (I guess).
There, the fetid stream has been dammed. Peace to the rest of you, because this Monday sucked balls.
**Editor's note: 'L' the #2 and the old man went our for our first jog tonight, 1.2 miles. I don't really like to jog, but like to be in the shape after jogging for a while. I'm really proud of 'L'; he got through the mile and change with nary a pause. I guess all that soccer is having some kind of reasonable effect.