Thursday, January 29, 2009


Still no power. Mom is being a gracious host & is letting us do our thing. We saw a truck on the street today so maybe we have forward progress. Might try ride tomorrow but no promises.

Boys r getting bored. Uh oh! ;-)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bad Stuff

Big time nasty ice storm. @ Mom's on iTouch. Prolly won't have juice for days. & certainly no bike rides. What a 6 months for storms. Hope everyone is well.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dia de Nieve

Transit Cuts

The 'Ville made a googlemap of regions that are cutting transit service and/or increasing fares. I understand that $$ is tight, but when you think about it, this will give the double whammy to these folks. For some, economics have meant that they move from car to bus, and now the bus is more expensive too. Take a look here if you're interested.

Epicurean Cyclist

This pic is reason enough to take a look at The Epicurean Cyclist page. Quite the contrast to our sleet, freezing rain and snow we have right now.

Pics to come of our SNOW STORM 2009!!!!! (like, 3" of snow and sleet, FWIW)

Monday, January 26, 2009


I did something much out of the normal routine this evening. 'Course, my whole day has been slightly out of routine. (I know I'm supposed to leave these "today, blah, blah" message on a different blog). I woke up (was awakened) at 4.20a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep, so I was out of bed at perhaps 4.35. I fiddled on the computer- reading some nice reports of the SanFran 200K Brevet from this weekend, did/had a 15min mediation and ate cereal at home, all thing I enjoy, albeit not so damn early. I had suffered one of my "moments" Friday afternoon, so today I had to drive the truck to pick the Trek up from work. Yes, I could've taken public transpo, but it would take me a good hour or more with transfers in the cold. My conscience only goes so far.

Having had an off morning, my afternoon wasn't too strange: led tennis conditioning, came home, read a little bit, that's about it. And then, much like the morning schedule, the evening schedule ventured in its own direction. We ate supper, pasta, at 4.50p.m. b/c tonight 1 son had soccer at 6.00 and the other at 7.00 right after that. That means you either eat supper at 5 or at 8.30. I actually enjoy eating early b/c it sits on the stomach better. After that they went to soccer. And I had time on my hands.

I hemmed and hawed and hemmed some more. "Do I ride?" "It's 25F and getting dark." "It's going to snow, rain, or sleet tomorrow, could be a rough biking day." "Why are you such a lazy, worthless, no good piece of shit." "Strike that. I'm trying to talk nicely to people, first of all myself."

I rode, taking a quickie, supremely flat neighborhood ride on the Trek. Damn I sure do like commute over trying to "train" after work. And, damn, I sure did enjoy my bike jog. It is gonna be nasty around here for the next few days but it felt great to stretch it tonight, cold or no.

This is the S.S.FrankenTrek. I can't help the fact that I just love this bike right now. It was my first "real" bike, purchased in the spring of 1987 as a graduation gift. I rode it partly through college before switching to a C'dale 'Criterium' for some years. I then sold it to my uncle (older by 6.5 yrs) who didn't ride it as much as he should have. I later bought it back from him for the same price I sold it originally. Dumb? Yes, but worth it. It was a rain bike for a good while and now, in it's present form, acts as commuter #2 and single-speed beataround. I love it. It's super sturdy and smooth through the turns. I've adorned it w/ some really ugly features like the clear plastic BMX pedals and miss-match silver and black crankarms (and Jimmy says, "Fuck Gas."). It's a SS now, running a 40x16, which is an easy push for work and the neighborhood. I recently added the Carradice for commuting purposes and the PlanetBike fenders- borrowed from the Redline- were put on for obvious rain purposes. I prolly should have never bought the wheels; Chris @ Clarksville took advantage of me, but they were a great deal and serve the bike very well.

Can you tell I love it? Can you tell that I just had a great 1-hr cold, dark, lonely and invigorating ride to help finish off a Monday. I hope you all had the same opportunity. As for this week, we may be looking at anywhere from 5" of snow to an ice storm. I'm sure all the bread and milk is gone, being KY and all.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

More Otter Creek

There was a story in the CJ this morning about the status of Otter Creek Park, this one focusing on the city's efforts to find a 3rd-party willing to manage the area. Furthermore Wave3 covered the same story, interviewing a city employee about the various issues and concerns of the present situation. I hold little hope, but I also very much would love to see a positive conclusion to this idiocy. I understand the city doesn't want to spend the $$, but there has to be a way to create a pay-per-play service to use the facilities; maybe the 3rd party can come up with one.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

So many tyres

I spent a reasonable amount of time this afternoon tinkering, although I did do a couple minor projects, visa-vi taking the Xmas lights down outside and capping a hole in the garage side door (water rot). On the LHT I mounted 'Z' nice, little camera bag. I have to buy him a new one b/c it didn't fit his new camera he got from his Gran for Xmas. For the 9.2.5. I tinkered some more with the front wheel, which now has not 1 but 2 huge wobbles. I think it's the single worst truing job I've ever seen. It eventually got left off at OYLC, but 2009 will be the year of becoming more competent with the wheel maintenence process. I pumped up the tires on the 'bent with thoughts of a ride today. It never happened, but it's ready. Per Tom's recommendation, I also changed the seat angle. He stated that a SWB 'bent would be a little calmer with the weight more dispersed. I spent most of my time on the Bleriot. I took off the Grand Bois cypres' and remounted the ColdlVies. I remember not liking them that much, but I'm going to use them as winter rubber. I spent a fair amount of time fiddling with the rear fender, especially the new bracket I got from Jim. It's too big so it makes a big racket. My plan of attack is to cut down the prongs (tin snips?), file the ends and rearfold them around the fender. I'll probably fuck it up. :-). I also cleaned the garage a bit and found the following:
  • 2 Serfas Drifters-2x2"- These were the 3rd tires on the LHT commuter. They're pretty nice but heavy as hell. That's why I changed. They have alot of life left, though.
  • 2 Continental Contacts- 2x1.75"- Lots of flats. Not impressive. These were the 4th tires on the LHT.
  • 2 Conti Avenue semislicks-2x1.3"- These were the 2nd tires on the LHT. Lots of flats. Conti didn't have a good couple years.
  • 2 Cheng Shin semislicks- 2x1.5"- These came mounted on the LHT. I'm a snob and changed them quickly.
  • 2 Conti Ultragatorskins- 700x28C- These were mounted on the Blueridge and will be used again at some point. They're nice tires.
  • 1 Conti Ultragatorskin- 700x25C- I think the other is still on the RB-1. Dale is probably wearing that bad mutha' out.
  • 2 Grand Bois Cypres- just taken off the Bleriot. Very nice tires. They'll see use again this summer.
  • 2 Ritchey Tri-cross- 700x35. These don't fit the rims on the Crosscheck. I blew out 3 tubes trying this fall. They fit the wheels on the Blueridge though. I'll keep them for any future considerations. I like them.
  • 2 Vittoria RandoneurCross- 700x35C- I bought these off of REI b/c they had been well reviewed and they're not too common. I'm sure they'll end up used at some point.
If anyone is interested in the Serfas, Conti Contacts or Conti Avenues, make YBO. I won't give them away b/c they're rideable, but I'll let them go to a good home. I think there is at least 1 other pair of mtbike tires in the back, although I'm not sure what they are. What I would like to get is another pair of 29ers for the C'dale. The ones on there suck, but I don't love the bike enough to make the investment for new rubber.

Weather folks are talking big snow Monday night through Wednesday. I'll have to consider what bike I'll use to ride to work, b/c barring heart problems, I will ride to work.


Thursday, January 22, 2009


I saw my first live beaver today, right here in the middle of town! We have wonderful weather this afternoon at 48F and sunny so I was taking the long loop home. I noticed on the Beargrass Creek Trail that the surface of the creek still had some frozen and snowy spots and that the area had several tracks crossing about. I saw a brown lump (still no glasses) so I stopped to check it out. With a hearty squint I identified the tale-tell TAIL of our beloved creek stopper-upper. I had heard in previous years on the city removing a beaver from said creek, but I guess he likes the refuse and drainage, so he's back. Seeing me he jumped into the hole in the ice, but it will be interesting to see the developments along that stretch. peace.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yes Sir, Mr. President!

Patchwork Heritage

“We know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and non-believers.”

...Damn,no Buddhists. :-(

Monday, January 19, 2009

Reasons to Believe

I was listening to NPR yesterday morning when I heard the segment from This I Believe. Yesterday's was one of from a 6-yr old and his beliefs. The good wife is a bit skeptical about the role of parental coaching in this one, but even without, these are powerful messages of decency and hope. I strongly suggest you take a look.

January 18, 2009 ·

I believe life is good.

I believe God is in everything.

I believe we're all equal.

I believe we can help people.

I believe everyone is weird in their own way.

I believe hate is a cause for love.

I believe that when I meditate I feel peaceful.

I believe we should be generous.

I believe brothers and sisters should be kind to each other.

I believe kids should respect their parents.

I believe I should not whine.

I believe people should wake up early.

I believe people should go outside more.

I believe in nature.

I believe people should use less trees.

I believe we should help the Arctic and rainforest animals.

I believe people shouldn't throw litter on the ground.

I believe people should not smoke.

I believe God is in good and bad.

I believe in magic.

I believe people should not give up.

I believe love is everywhere.

I believe that God helps us to have a good time.

I believe we live best in a community.

I believe we can protect people in danger.

I believe we should help the poor.

I believe it's OK to die but not to kill.

I believe war should not have started.

I believe war should stop.

I believe we can make peace.

Independently produced for Weekend Edition Sunday by Jay Allison and Dan Gediman with John Gregory and Viki Merrick.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


great post from Jim from a brilliant concept out of Philly and Bilenky cycles. Check it out.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bleriot Bracket

Got my replacement Bleriot rear fender bracket in the mail today, so once it's not 20F in the garage I'll be out there getting my noble steed back into running shape. Kudos to Jim @ Hiawatha for the great service. All cyclists should take the opportunity to "trade" (as Jimmy Smith used to say) at that fine shop.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Penguin Waddle Report

Boy, have I had a great week of bike riding. For those folks completely frozen or snowed in I'm sorry, but amidst the cool, cold, and damn cold temps I've a a great commuting week and tonight I topped it off with my first FuckGas ride (sorry you clean-mouthed folks) with the "We don't give a shit how cold it is..." Penguin Waddle. I mapped it our leaving from my imaginary 'near' house (privacy, you know) and you can take a look here.

LithoDale was working off some sickness this week and joined me for our first soiree with this respective pack of cyclists. We met at my house, suited up and lighted up and took the 4m ride to OnYourLeftCyles. After chilling out there for a while- with a bit of brew and coffee to get the spirits going- we departed, perhaps 12 strong. It was a mixed crew, with LithoDale and I the only "cyclists-looking" type, but, hey, I was prepared to be warm. We had a good chat, too, with Melissa, who had recently moved to the 'Ville from Denver, where she said the cycling scene was quite good. I saved Dale finger loss by loaning him a pair of old Hind running mitts. At one point I was going to wear thick wools and these water-proof mitts but I lost 1 of the gloves in the process (garage?) so I wore the slightly damp lobsters. Then, within moments of leaving the store a guy on the ride- stated that he had forgotten his gloves. Let's see: no gloves, no helmet, no lights, 12F. Excellent propositions. So I saved him too with the extra woolie. And again, a bike bag saves the day. ALL, and I mean, ALL bikes should have a big of reasonable size.

The ride was relatively quick at 10m total. I was rather surprised that the group split up quite quickely. After going on many a LBC ride and watching the fallen left in the dust, I assumed this would be different, but not really. I think, though, and the good wife concurs, that it was so cold that it was every cyclist for him/herself. Lithodale and I ended up in the front pack of 5 which became a front pack of 4 when one fixie guy stopped to futz with his socks. In the front were me on the TrekSS, Lithodale on the RB-1, a fixie Jamis and a shop guy on a nice IndependentFabrications road bike. We made good progress down Zorn, across and up Mockingbird and back on the return. I set the pace up Mockingbird for the sole purpose of not getting dropped in the dark and cold. Mockingbird Valley Rd. was my favorite moment, and I know Lithodale's too. Complete darkness, bitter but brisk cold, the sound of our breathing, the narrow beams of small bike LEDs (except LD's niterider, which I also lent him). It was great.

We briskly returned, finishing 3 and 4 after the other two put a little burst on Frankfort. I couldn't handle the PayneSt. downhill (SS you know) with the IF roadiebike riding a big gear. Although we spread out, the other folks came in pretty soon after us. It was quite what I expected, but it was alot of fun. Once back at the shop we watched a big of fixie mania from SF, frank a bit of BBC beer, talked a bit of NAHBS, which is going on locally in Indy in March. Don't know yet, but I might be interested in going up on Sunday (Fri. and Sat. aren't going to happen). After a bit we headed home b/c of the many parental functions on Saturday.

It was a fabulous day of riding, especially given the conditions. I have clothes for 15F locked down for future need; I'm sure I'll forget. And I think I'll undertake another FuckGas ride b/c it's there, and why not?


No poem today, but I'm feeling pretty good about today's accomplishment. I set a record for a personal ride and commute today, with my morning temp at -1F. To be honest, I felt pretty damn good, except the toesies got a little chilly late in the game. Having set a record, I feel obliged to give a garment-by-garment rundown of the vestiture for the day:

head- descente skull cap with performancebike fleece over top. And for the first time, I wore some plastic safety glasses. They did the trick.
hands - pearlizumi lobsters. They work down to -1F at least.
feet- smartwool sock, neoprene sock, thick wool sock, Target snow boot
torso- smartwool top, biemme winter jersey, bellweather jacket
leg- thick tight, nylon sportpant, performance fleece pant

The only issue i had was with the toes, even though I was very covered up. Otherwise, I think I could milk another 10 degrees out of that setup. After such a frigid morning, this afternoon's sun and 17F was downright warm.

It's also been a great week for running across local cycling "stars". I ran across Tom Monday and today I met Perry F. in G'town. Perry is well-known locally for riding exclusively on fixies, and by that I mean he does century after century on fixies- quite the local legend. We were only together for 2 miles or so, but it was nice to another crazy person out there.

It was cold, but not that cold, and I would do it again tomorrow. Great stuff. Tomorrow is supposed to be 38F. I'll have to get out the shorts. Tonight is the Penguin Waddle. If it goes as planned, LithoDale and I are meeting at 7.30 for the ride there. It's to be an 8-miler and then home, which will give me another 18m or so. That's a hell of a day, and none of those miles over 18F. Peace.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fully Alive

I alight,
surrounded by teeming faceless ants
colony mentality in their dense, protective armour,
against the cold, metal-cold post.
Needles prick my skin, pierce my face,
not ripping flesh but awakening
a vitality.

Breath in the cold, the chill, the ache
the vitality.

The ants obey the color of the grass and tree and part.
I hurtle forward amidst the swirls of cotton, no, of paper
that first cuts and then melts as a cleansing touch.
To advance, buffeted by the angry breath of Inuit deities from the
blanket white frozen land.
To move, temples pulsating, legs frozen like sentinel hardwoods deep,
the crust and slime and mucous of inhaling, exhaling,
the breath conjuring
a vitality.

To be fully alive in these elements, in this moment,
brings such vitality.

There, that's my effort for today's beautiful commute. 18F in the morning, 34F with a bitter Alberta Clipper beating down on us, bringing single digit temps tonight (although no snow). I left work with only 20min to get to an appointment. I pushed 16-17mph on the way, smiling at pushing the heft of the LHT. On the way home, later, pushing the same on the Beargrass Trail, then noticing that the creek had waves moving in my same direction. What a tailwind! 18.5mph on the Moose! What a ride.

Hope everyone else had a great one too. Peace.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


We've posted the invite for the first RiverCityCyclingSociety ride for January 25th @ 11.00 leaving from the riverfront. Feel free to visit the site or the present blog for more info. I've never done anything like this so I'm interested to know how it turns out. It may just me and thefatguy, but I'm hoping it does something more b/c it's the kind of riding I think many people would...WILL enjoy. If there are any local texluavullcycling readers out there, give it a try.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Picked up one of these at C'ville yesterday while picking up 'L's bike. After seeing a few other folks in town with helmet blinkies, in addition to rear ones, I decided to try this out. It's not as robust as some others I've seen, but I got it at a very, very reasonable price and mounted it as soon as I got home. I think I'll take a pic of my frankenhelmet now. It has a mirror, front Princeton Tec light and now rear blinkie. Full-on commuter Phred, I am. BUT I'll take a bit of safety at 6.30 in the a.m. any day over style points.

Be safe, Ride lots!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bluegrass Brevets

Although I have neither the time nor maybe even inclination, and certainly not the legs to do a brevet series, the LBC is hosting a Brevet series in 2009, with the first leg- the 200K- off in March. For many years these were hosted out of Lexington by the Bluegrass Bicycle club but I guess it's transferred for the moment over to the 'Ville. I commend all those for putting their efforts in to conquering such long rides. Yes, these folks can be fanatical, but it certainly tests the limit. Be wishes and tailwinds, especially for those suckers riding the 600K. (And yes, that's 360ish miles, right? at one sitting?)

After reading about the Seattle/Portland batch of ride stories, I'm wondering about the idea of a populaire here in the 'ville.

Bike Summit II

I just registered for the the Bike Summit II on February 12th. I guess I get one more toe wet into advocacy. In my past 10 years of commuting I've "walked the walk", at least somewhat (not, say, as effectively like Doug with his 13.5 month commuter streak), but I'm ready to do more to make the 'Ville a place to bike.


Friday, January 09, 2009

Bike Louisville

Here is the Bike Louisville website, this one being supported by Metro gov't. Of interesting note is the upcoming Bike Summit on February 12th. I'm thinking strongly of going, but my job, while offering an attractive amount of down time in the summer, is not particularly flexible during working days. I'm ready, though, at my advanced age to become more active and this seems like the perfect opportunity. It might even be a nice opportunity to do a little pressing of the flesh for the RCCS, assuming our first ride (Jan. 25th) goes off well. I am going to post about the first RCCS ride. It's a go and it'll be an experience with 2 or with 20.

More to come on these fronts, but on the bike we'll be in 2009.

"We don't give a Shit How Cold..."

FuckGas is hosting another ride next Friday (Jan. 15th), the aptly named "Penguin Waddle". The delicious irony is that I saw the forecast on Wave3 tonight from the wise John Belski and he's calling for temps in the teens, and those are the highs. As such, if they "don't care how cold it is", then they, no, We are going to tempt our fate and test our mettle. I'm pretty excited.

And if any other 'Ville dwellers are out there, give one of these rides a try. Remember, though, that teens call for some serious layers. The website says it's going to be an 8-mile ride. If I leave from the house that'll give me a total of about 16. LithoDale is coming too, and his distance might be a bit longer.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

2008 Wrap-up

Although I've moved most of my basic ride information over to Tex.Ville.Rides, I'll do a bit of an '08 wrap-up here on this site. This "date"is entirely due to, a site I forget to use pretty often, but then furiously enter a bunch of rides just so it does the numbers. My Excel total and mycyclinglog total are off by 38 miles, but I definitely will take my Excel numbers as the more correct, so I'll have to dump those 38 into some general, nondescript category.


LHT- 1192 miles- 77 trips
Bleriot- 741m- 28t
TrekSS- 491m- 27t
Crosscheck- 183m- 12t
Blueridge- 169m- 7t
Caffeine 29er- 106m- 6t
925fixie- 96m- 15t
RB-1- 64m- 2t
Monocog- 60m- 5t
Rocket- 47m- 2t
38m of mystery

Grand total of (mycyclinglog) 3237 miles. And again, the Excel spreadsheet adds 38 miles to that for a total of 3275.
  • The LHT won the award again, also being my top ride last year, and my commuting miles outtotalled by road miles by 61.
  • The longest ride for 2008 was 62 miles on July 20th. That was around when our computer got "eaten", so there's no blog entry, which is fine. It was a nice ramble from Louisville to Frankfort, with the fam picking me up there and then to our friend Pam's house for cards.
  • I did better with some longer rides, adding another 60m, 57m, 53m, 47,, 42m and a 41m mixed-terrain ride. A full-on century is certainly a goal for 2009, and getting some ride partners will/would certainly help.
  • I didn't buy a bike this year (I think).
  • The RB-1 has seen much more significant mileage as surrogate for LithoDale. I think '09 will be the year he actually buys a bike that's within 3 sizes of his own tall-ass body.
  • I did better in '08 doing mixed-terrain rides, with 12 of them, including a nice effort in Casey Co. for the first time.
  • Really it was a solid year on the bike. If I can capture some miles in the lost tennis spring, 2009 will be even better, and let's hope the RCCS has some influence with that too.
Peace out. And sorry numbers nerds. I speak Romance languages quite well, but numbers ain't my thang.

'Ville Ride Options

Although most of the attention here in the 'Ville focuses on the Louisville Bicycle Club, a new and very different " club" has shown its funky head these last months. The website Fuck Gas, in concert with On Your Left Cycles, started hosting rides in mid-2008 and the first of the new year is today, starting at a strange morning time of 11a.m. (Most of their rides seem to be evening/nighttime ride-n-drink affairs) The flyer is below. We unfortunately have to leave town for a friend's party so I won't be able to attend, but at some point in 2009 I'm going to try one of these out.

As best as I can gather, w/out making too many suppositions, I think these randy jaunts are the part and parcel of the Louisville fixie crowd. B'town has seen the rapid growth of these folks this past year, and although gas prices have decreased, I have a feeling it's a fun movement that won't slow down just yet.

Saturday, January 03, 2009


The CJ had an article about "the legends of Midgetville" in the paper yesterday, discussing the curiosities of strange, small-doored cabins found at a church camp in Bullitt Co. In fact, it's the same camp I passed on a ride on my bday back in November. At the time I was more focused on a broken spoke and completing the rest of my longish ride, but I did note the plentitude of cabins, albeit not ones that were unnecessarily small. As I remember too (and the blog entry notes), the camp is at the end of Mt. Elmira Rd., which I found to be particulary rustic but charming to boot. It's worth a spin out through Fairdale or through Jefferson Forest to go take a look.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Der Blogg

I'm climbing multiple branches of my bike tree at the moment (May it be an Oak, strong and sturdy). On today's 22-miler I made a decision about my main blog Tex's Luavull Cycling. It has long been my trashcan for all things "tex": bikes, commutes, sports, 'Cats, futbol, the Buddha, the family, hiking, nature, etc. While the good wife sometimes finds it narcissistic or perhaps too public, it is a fair reflection of what goes on with "me" (as a good Buddhist would say, b/c "me" is only a process or perception and nothing particularly concrete or real). I never intended to have a "readership" nor am I interested in "viewers", but if I waste the time typing my thoughts and observations, then I might as well have them in a context I'm interested in promoting. For that reason, my one blog has now become three blogs and I'll briefly explain each.

Tex's Luavull Cycling in 2009 is going to become more of a 'Luavull' blog and less a 'Tex' blog. Tex, as it were, was my college nickname and still sticks with me with that much beloved population. Luavull is an approximation of what Louisvilians call Louisville- Loo-uh-vuhl or something like that. While I wasn't born here, my family is all from here and I've spent my life here from 1st grade through 12th grade and since college graduation. It has its benefits and detractors, but we're here for the long time being. I started the blog originally to highlight my cycling and other family endeavors, but now I'm going to focus more on the Louisville aspect. It won't be any kind of compendium of all things 'Ville cycling, but I'm going to go more in that direction. As I get older, and as my commuting and cycling become more important to me, I also find myself drawn to advocacy, so these interests will be more greatly expressed here. I don't see any reason not to write about epic or substantial rides or hikes because those highlight the benefits of this here burg. What won't be included is those every day, mundane "I commuted" entries.

Tex.Ville.Rides will become the "me" blog. It will have those daily, "I commuted" entries and will probably be the "Am I a Buddhist?" and "Real lost" trashcan moments. If I'm the only one to read it, fine. If someone out there wants to read that "I commuted", Great. You're invited. But I see these as more of a day-to-day blog that doesn't really go anywhere much, but I've decided I like to have a digital, de facto journal.

RiverCityCyclingSociety is a new blog for a new cycling experiment that I've undertaken. I'm starting a very, very loose cycling club as a means to infuse the 'Ville with a different kind of riding experience. My riding/on-line friend David is also very interested and his interest has inspired me to go forward with it. He and I are both wanting a cycling experience not dominated by lycra and not dominated on riding someone off yer wheel!! Yea Baby!! No, the RCCS is going to be an experiment in doing something in Louisville that has been taking place elsewhere, especially in MN and in NoCal. It will try to be a Society about riding bikes, not about training. I jotted down some principles that I'll post on that blog. David, a much more adept computer geek than I, is starting an actual website, so the RCCS blog may not do much if the website goes anywhere. I have no expectations, but I am excited about this as a real improvement in 2009. It could be much fun.

And that's where I'm at. 3 blogs, but not 3x the work. But hopefully 3x the miles. Now that would be much fun.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

box dog pelican

Date: Jan 1 Thurs
Weather: 35F, breezy
Mileage: 32 (Bleriot)
January mileage: 32
Year to date: 32

I've been thinking of blog changes b/c nobody reads the damn thing and I'm prolly wasting my time and yours. I went out for 32m today, along River Rd and up and down some of the hills. It was fantastic, to be honest, in every mundane way. The one thing of note was that the rear fender brake bridge bracket broke about 2/3 through the ride. I could get home fine, but it was strange. I hit a little bump and it sheared off right below the brake bridge. That would say to me that there was some stresses there that I wasn't aware of. But what do I know? I'll have to contact Jim and get another.

On a different time-wasting note, I came across some bloggage about a new Cali frame I'd never heard of, the Box Dog Pelican. As best as I can understand, the Box Dog is the bike shop and Pelican is their own in-house do-it-all frame. You can say that right now, the new 2009 provides us with many fun options (KG, Rawland, Pelican, Surly, Velo-Orange, RBW, 70s/80s rehab, the list goes on) for bike possibilities, all lying outside of the Trek/C'Dale/Giant cabal. Take a look and ride whatever you do.

Alabama Sky Day 3 Vistas

We began Day 3 with a basic breakfast at the restaurant, again better than camp cooking a salt bomb,and bundled up for a long descent in th...